Home » Volts to Amperes

Volts to Amperes

In this volts to amperes category you can find our articles describing the conversion of a certain electric voltage x in volts to the electric current in amperes. For every specific value of x we show you the voltage to amps conversion formula by means of watt and ohm; as follows from the formulas either of these values must be present. Every entry also contains a volts to amperes calculator you will like, as well as examples for the calculations via wattage and resistance. Directions for more information about the units under consideration are always integrated, too. And every entry in this category provides you with the opportunity to ask us a question about x V to A, using the comment form placed at the end of a post. Additionally included in each post are instructions regarding the use of our search form to locate x volts to amperes. Also, as an alternative to browsing these pages, using the aforementioned search form is recommended.